MATT. XXVIII. 11--14.
"Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the
city, and declared unto the chief priests all the things that were
done.And when they had assembled with the elders, and had taken
counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, saying, Say ye,
His disciples came by night, and stole Him away while we slept. And
if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure
Fort the sake of these soldiers that earthquake took place, in order
to dismay them, and that the testimony might come from them, which
accordingly was the result. For the report was thus free from
suspicion, as proceeding from the guards themselves. For of the signs
some were displayed publicly to the world, others privately to those
present on the spot; publicly for the world was the darkness,
privately the appearance of the angel, the earthquake. When then they
came and showed it (for truth shines forth, being proclaimed by its
adversaries), they again gave money, that they might say, as it is
expressed, "that His disciples came and stole Him."
How did they steal Him? O most foolish of all men! For because of
the clearness and conspicuousness of the truth, they are not even able
to make up a falsehood. For indeed what they said was highly
incredible, and the falsehood had not even speciousness. For how, I
ask, did the disciples steal Him, men poor and unlearned, and not
venturing so much as to show themselves? What? was not a seal put
upon it? What? were there not so many watchmen, and soldiers, and
Jews stationed round it? What? did not those men suspect this very
thing, and take thought, and break their rest, and continue anxious
about it? And wherefore moreover did they steal it? That they might
feign the doctrine of the resurrection? And how should it enter their
minds to feign such a thing, men who were well content to be hidden and
to live? And how could they remove the stone that was made sure? how
could they have escaped the observation of so many? Nay, though they
had despised death, they would not have attempted without purpose, and
fruitlessly to venture in defiance of so many who were on the watch.
And that moreover they were timorous, what they had done before showed
clearly, at least, when they saw Him seized, all rushed away from
Him. If then at that time they did not dare so much as to stand their
ground when they saw Him alive, how when He was dead could they but
have feared such a number of soldiers? What? was it to burst open a
door? Was it that one should escape notice? A great stone lay upon
it, needing many hands to move it.
They were right in saying, "So the last error shall be worse than
the first,"making this declaration against themselves, for that,
when after so much mad conduct they ought to have repented, they rather
strive to outdo their former acts, feigning absurd fictions, and as,
when He was alive, they purchased His blood, so when He was dead
and risen again, they again by money were striving to undermine the
evidence of His resurrection. But do thou mark, I pray thee, how
by their own doings they are caught everywhere. For if they had not
come to Pilate, nor asked for the guard, they would have been more
able to act thus impudently, but as it was, not so. For indeed, as
though they were laboring to stop their own mouths, even so did they
all things. For if the disciples had not strength to watch with Him,
and that, though upbraided by Him, how could they have ventured upon
these things? And wherefore did they not steal Him before this, but
when ye were come? For if they had been minded to do this, they would
have done it, when the tomb was not yet guarded on the first night,
when it was to be done without danger, and in security. For it was on
the Sabbath that they came and begged of Pilate to have the watch,
and kept guard, but during the first night none of these was present by
the sepulchre.
2. And what mean also the napkins that were stuck on with the myrrh;
for Peter saw these lying. For if they had been disposed to steal,
they would not have stolen the body naked, not because of dishonoring
it only, but in order not to delay and lose time in stripping it, and
not to give them that were so disposed opportunity to awake and seize
them. Especially when it was myrrh, a drug that adheres so to the
body, and cleaves to the clothes, whence it was not easy to take the
clothes off the body, but they that did this needed much time, so that
from this again, the tale of the theft is improbable.
What? did they not know the rage of the Jews? and that they would
vent their anger on them? And what profit was it at all to them, if
He had not risen again?
So these men, being conscious that they had made up all this tale,
gave money, and said, "Say ye these things, and we will persuade
the governor." For they desire that the report should be published,
fighting in vain against the truth; and by their endeavor: to obscure
it, by these even against their will they occasioned it to appear
clearly. For indeed even this establishes the resurrection, the fact
I mean of their saying, that the disciples stole Him. For this is
the language of men confessing, that the body was not there. When
therefore they confess the body was not there, but the stealing it is
shown to be false and incredible, by their watching by it, and by the
seals, and by the timidity of the disciples, the proof of the
resurrection even hence appears incontrovertible.
Nevertheless, these shameless and audacious men, although there were
so many things to stop their mouths, "Say ye," these are their
words, "and we will persuade, and will secure you." Seest thou all
depraved? Pilate. for he was persuaded? the soldiers? the Jewish
people? But marvel not, if money prevailed over soldiers. For if
with His disciple it showed its might to be so great, much more with
"And this saying is commonly reported," it is said, " until this
day."Seest thou again the disciples' love of truth, how they are
not ashamed of saying even this, that such a report prevailed against
"Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, and some
worshipped, and some when they saw Him doubted."
This seems to me to be the last appearance in Galilee, when He sent
them forth to baptize. And if "some doubted," herein again admire
their truthfulness, how they conceal not even their shortcomings up to
the last day. Nevertheless, even these are assured by their sight.
What then saith He unto them, when He seeth them? "All power is
given unto me in heaven and on earth."Again He speaketh to them more
after the manner of man, for they had not yet received the spirit,
which was able to raise them on high. "Go ye, make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you;"giving the one charge with a view to doctrine,
the other concerning commandments. And of the Jews He makes no
mention, neither brings forward what had been done, nor upbraids
Peter with his denial, nor any one of the others with their flight,
but having put into their hands a summary of the doctrine, that
expressed by the form of baptism, commands them to pour forth over the
whole world.
After that, because he had enjoined on them great things, to raise
their courage, He says, "Lo! I am with you alway, even unto the
end of the world."Seest thou His own proper power again? Seest
thou how those other things also were spoken for condescension? And
not with those men only did He promise to be, but also with all that
believe after them. For plainly the apostles were not to remain here
unto "the end of the world;" but he speaks to the believers as to one
body. For tell me not, saith He, of the difficulty of the things:
for "I am with you," who make all things easy. This He said to
the prophets also in the Old Testament continually, as well to
Jeremiah objecting his youth,as to Mosesand Ezekielshrinking from
the office, "I am with you," this here also to these men. And
mark, I pray thee, the excellence of these, for the others, when
sent to one nation, often excused themselves, but these said nothing
of the sort, though sent to the world. And He reminds them also of
the consummation, that He may draw them on more, and that they may
look not at the present dangers only, but also at the good things to
come that are without end.
"For the irksome things, saith He, that ye will undergo are
finished together with the present life, since at least even this world
itself shall come to an end, but the good things which ye shall enjoy
remain immortal, as I have often told you before." Thus having
invigorated and roused their minds, by the remembrance of that day,
He sent them forth. For that day to them that live in good works is
to be desired, even as on the other hand to those in sin, it is
terrible as to the condemned.
But let us not fear only, and shudder, but let us change too, while
there is opportunity, and let us rise out of our wickedness, for we
can, if we be willing. For if before grace many did this, much more
after grace.
3. For what grievous things are we enjoined? to cleave mountains
asunder? to fly into the air? or to cross the Tuscan sea? By no
means, but a way of life so easy, as not so much as to want any
instruments, but a soul and purpose only. For what instruments had
these apostles, who effected such things? Did they not go about with
one vestment and unshod? and they got the better of all.
For what is difficult of the injunctions? Have no enemy. Hate no
man. Speak ill of no man. Nay, the opposites of these things are
the greater hardships. But He said, you reply, Throw away thy
money. Is this then the grievous thing? In the first place, He did
not command, but advised it. Yet even if it were a command, what is
it grievous not to carry about burdens and unseasonable cares?
But oh covetousness! All things are become money; for this cause all
things are turned upside down. If anyone declares another happy, he
mentions this; should he pronounce him wretched, hence is derived the
description of wretchedness. And all reckonings are made on this
account, how such an one gets rich, how such an one gets poor.
Should it be military service, should it be marriage, should it be a
trade, should it be what you will that any man takes in hand, he does
not apply to what is proposed, until he see these riches are coming in
rapidly upon him. After this shall we not meet together and consult
how we shall drive away this pest? Shall we not regard with shame the
good deeds of our fathers? of the three thousand, of the five
thousand, who had all things common?
What is the profit of this present life, when we do not use it for our
future gain? How long do ye not enslave the mammon that hath enslaved
you? How long are ye slaves of money? How long have ye no love for
liberty, and do not rend in pieces the bargains of covetousness? But
while, if ye should have become slaves of men, you do all things, if
any one should promise you liberty; yet being captives of
covetousness, ye do not so much as consider how ye may be delivered
from this bitter bondage. And yet the one were nothing terrible, the
other is the most bitter tyranny.
Consider how great a price Christ paid for us. He shed His own
blood; He gave up Himself. But ye, even after all this, are grown
supine; and the most grievous thing of all is, that ye even take
delight in the slavery, ye luxuriate in the dishonor, and that, from
which ye ought to flee, is become an object of desire to you.
But since it is right not only to lament and to blame, but also to
correct, let us see from what cause this passion and this evil have
become an object of desire to you. Whence then, whence hath this come
to be an object of desire? Because, thou sayest, it makes me to be
in honor and in security. In what kind of security, I pray thee?
In the confidence, not to suffer hunger, nor cold, not to be
harmed, not to be despised. Wilt thou then, if we promise thee this
security, refrain from being rich? For if it is for this that riches
are an object of desire, if it be in your power to have security
without these, what need hast thou of these any more? "And how is it
possible," thou sayest, "for one who is not rich to attain to
this?" Nay, how is it possible (for I say the opposite thing) if
one is rich? For it is necessary to flatter many, both rulers and
subjects, and to entreat countless numbers, and to be a base slave,
and to be in fear and trembling, and to regard with suspicion the eyes
of the envious, and to fear the tongues of false accusers, and the
desires of other covetous men. But poverty is not like this, but
altogether the contrary. It is a place of refuge and security, a calm
harbor, a wrestling ground, and school of exercise to learn
self-command, an imitation of the life of angels.
Hear these things, as many as are poor; or rather also, as many as
desire to be rich. It is not poverty that is the thing to be feared,
but the not being willing to be poor. Account poverty to be nothing to
fear, and it will not be to thee a matter for fear. For neither is
this fear in the nature of the thing, but in the judgment of
feeble-minded men. Or rather. I am even ashamed that I have
occasion to say so much concerning poverty, to show that it is nothing
to be feared. For if thou practise self-command, it is even a
fountain to thee of countless blessings. And if any one were to offer
thee sovereignty, and political power, and wealth, and luxury, and
then having set against them poverty, were to give thee thy choice to
take which thou wouldest, thou wouldest straightway seize upon
poverty, if indeed thou knewest the beauty thereof.
4. And I know that many laugh, when these things are said; but we
are not troubled but we require you to stay, and soon ye will give
judgment with us. For to me poverty seems like some comely, fair,
and well-favored damsel, but covetousness like some monster shaped
woman. some Scylla or Hydra, or some other like prodigies feigned by
fabulous writers.
For bring not forward, I pray thee, them that accuse poverty, but
them that have shone thereby. Nurtured in this, Elias was caught up
in that blessed assumption. With this Eliseus shone; with this
John; with this all the apostles; but with the other, Ahab,
Jezebel, Gehazi, Judas, Nero, Caiaphas, were condemned.
But if it please you, let us not look to those only that have been
glorious in poverty, but let us observe the beauty itself of this
damsel. For indeed her eye is clear and piercing, having nothing
turbid in it, like the eye of covetousness, which is at one time full
of anger, at another sated with pleasure, at another troubled by
incontinence. But the eye of poverty is not like this, but mild,
calm, looking kindly on all, meek, gentle, hating no man, shunning
no man. For where there are riches, there is matter for enmity, and
for countless wars. The mouth again of the other is full of insults,
of a certain haughtiness, of much boasting, cursing, deceit; but the
mouth and the tongue of this are sound, filled with continual
thanksgiving, blessing, words of gentleness. of affection, of
courtesy, of praise, of commendation. And if thou wouldest see also
the proportion of her members, she is of a goodly height, and far
loftier than wealth. And if many flee from her, marvel not at it,
for indeed so do fools from the rest of virtue.
But the poor man, thou wilt say, is insulted by him that is rich.
Again thou art declaring to me the praise of poverty. For who, I
pray thee, is blessed, the insulter, or the insulted? It is
manifest that it is the insulted person. But then, the one,
covetousness, urges to insult the other; poverty persuades to endure.
"But the poor man suffers hunger," thou wilt say. Paul also
suffered hunger, and was in famine."But he has no rest." Neither
"had the Son of Man where to lay His head."
Seest thou how far the praises of poverty have proceeded, and where it
places thee, to what men it leads thee on, and how it makes thee a
follower of the Lord? If it were good to have gold, Christ, who
have the unutterable blessings, would have given this to His
disciples. But now so far from giving it them, He forbad them to
have it. Wherefore Peter also, so far from being ashamed of
poverty, even glories in it, saying, "Silver and gold have I
none; but what I have give I thee."And who of you would not have
desired to utter this saying? Nay, we all would extremely, perhaps
some one may say. Then throw away thy silver, throw away thy gold.
"And if I throw it away, thou wilt say, shall I receive the power
of Peter?" Why, what made Peter blessed, tell me? Was it indeed
to have lifted up the lame man? By no means, but the not having these
riches, this procured him Heaven. For of those that wrought these
miracles, many fell into hell, but they, who did those good things,
attained a kingdom. And this you may learn even of Peter himself.
For there were two things that he said, "Silver and gold have I
none;" and, "In the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk."
Which sort of thing then made Him glorious and blessed, the raising
up the lame man, or the casting away his money? And this you may
learn from the Master of the conflicts Himself. What then doth He
Himself say to the rich man seeking eternal life? He said not,
"raise up the lame," but, "Sell thy goods, and give to the poor,
and come and follow me, and thou shall have treasure in Heaven."And
Peter again said not, "Behold, in Thy name we east out devils;"
although he was casting them out, but, "Behold, we have forsaken
all and followed Thee what shall we have?"And Christ again, in
answering this apostle, said not, "If any man raise up the lame,"
but, "Whosoever hath forsaken houses or lands, shall receive an
hundredfold in this world, and shall inherit everlasting life."
Let us also then emulate this man, that we may not be confounded, but
may with confidence stand at the judgment seat of Christ; that we may
win Him to be with us, even as He was with His disciples. For He
will be with us, like as He was with them, if we are willing to
follow them, and to be imitators of their life and conversation. For
in consequence of these things God crowns, and commends men, not
requiring of thee to raise the dead, or to cure the lame. For not
these things make one to be like Peter, but the casting away one's
goods, for this was the apostles' achievement.
But dost thou not find it possible to east them away? In the first
place, I say, it is possible; but I compel thee not, if thou art
not willing, nor constrain thee to it; but this I entreat, to spend
at least a part on the needy, and to seek for thyself nothing more than
is necessary. For thus shall we both live our life here without
trouble, and in security, and enjoy eternal life; unto which God
grant we all may attain, by the grace and love towards man of our Lord
Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and might, together with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, now and always, and world without end. Amen.